Last Words…

Kids, I have seen some really good times…there was a time when men and women…children and elderly…all used to flock around me and even fight with each other just to be with me! It was the golden era for me, when rather than listening or talking to anyone else, all used to silently sit around me and hear what all I had to say.

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Past Month!! (5/12-5/01)

Well there has been a lot happening over everywhere in the last one month…and same has been the case with me…a lot happening over in the last month.. 

It was just quite “diverse”…jitney smileys possible hain..i guess saare 1 hi month mein experience kar liye!!

There has been times for which using words like fun… exciting… happy… amazing… awesome… satisfying… relaxing… etc would less…but in the same month…there have been instances which were frustrating… boring… sad… depressing… tiring… irritating… scary and GOD knows what all!!! Continue reading